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In 2017/18, six of Jason Holman’s celebrity friends passed away due to suicide. (Jason is the Director of Leeds Supercar Meet and a Celebrity Tour Manager.)

It was obvious at this time that mental health issues needed bringing to everyone’s attention. Through this very difficult time Jason found help with Leeds Mind. Although a part of the National Mind Charity, they rely solely on donations to their local office, Jason wanted to help raise money for them and…….Supercars & Coffee was born!

The members of Leeds Supercar Meet generously give up their time to help put on this event and we couldn’t do it without them.

We also have to thank the Sponsors of Leeds Supercar Meet for also giving their time and effort to support this event.

The event now in it’s sixth year, has had over 20,000 visitors and raised over twenty one thousand pounds for Leeds Mind so far, make sure you put your date in the diary for the next event and we look forward to seeing you there!

This event is in loving memory of Sophie Gradon

We miss you everyday, sleep well Angel xx

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